Saturday, 8 August 2009

Lambda Calculus Normal Order Reducer

// This implementation support evaluation of anonymous recursion through Y Combinator (ex. Y Factorial)

type exp = | Var of string
| Lambda of string * exp
| Apply of exp * exp

let rec subst x v a =
match a with
| Var y ->
x = y then v else a
| Lambda(y, a') ->
x = y then a else Lambda(y, subst x v a')
| Apply(a', a'') ->
Apply(subst x v a', subst x v a'')

let rec reduce e =
let rec reduce' e =
match e with
| Var _ -> e
| Lambda (s, e') -> Lambda(s, reduce' e')
| Apply(e1, e2) ->
e1 with
| Lambda(s, e3) -> subst s e2 e3
| _ -> Apply(reduce' e1, reduce' e2)
reduce' e

let rec loop f x =
let x' = f x
if x = x' then x' else loop f x'

let normalOrderReducer = loop reduce