// View Model
type Person (firstName, lastName, age) =
static member New (firstName, lastName, age) =
new Person(firstName, lastName, age)
member this.LastName
with get () = lastName
and set (value : string) = ()
member this.FirstName
with get () = firstName
and set (value : string) = ()
member this.Age
with get () = age
and set (value : int) = ()
let dataContext = [("Homer", "Simpson", 46)
("Marge", "Simpson", 42)
("Lisa", "Simpson", 9)
("Bart", "Simpson", 12) ] |> List.map (Person.New)
// Header
let header = [ label [width 100] "First Name"
label [width 100] "Last Name"
label [width 50] "Age" ] |> stackpanel [] Horizontal
// Row
let row = [ textbox [width 100] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.FirstName @@>
textbox [width 100] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.LastName @@>
textbox [width 50] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.Age @@> ]
|> stackpanel [] Horizontal
// Data Template
let sampleTemplate = datatemplate row
// Final composition
let sampleGrid = [ header
itemscontrol sampleTemplate
button "submit" ] |> stackpanel [width 250] Vertical
|> border Blue
// Main Window
let mainWindow = window [width 400; height 200] sampleGrid
// Application
let sampleApplication = application mainWindow
// Run the app with the given dataContext
do run sampleApplication dataContext