Sunday, 17 July 2011

Functional WPF Part Five (Simple example of how to use it)

// Example using the Functional WPF DSL

// View Model
type Person (firstName, lastName, age) =
    static member New (firstName, lastName, age) =
            new Person(firstName, lastName, age)
    member this.LastName
                with get () = lastName
                and set (value : string) = ()
    member this.FirstName
                with get () = firstName
                and set (value : string) = ()
    member this.Age
                with get () = age
                and set (value : int) = ()

let dataContext = [("Homer", "Simpson", 46)
                   ("Marge", "Simpson", 42)
                   ("Lisa", "Simpson", 9)
                   ("Bart", "Simpson", 12) ] |> (Person.New)

// Header
let header = [ label [width 100] "First Name"
               label [width 100] "Last Name"
               label [width 50] "Age" ] |> stackpanel [] Horizontal

// Row
let row = [ textbox [width 100] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.FirstName @@>
            textbox [width 100] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.LastName @@>
            textbox [width 50] <@@ fun (x:Person) -> x.Age @@> ]
            |> stackpanel [] Horizontal

// Data Template
let sampleTemplate = datatemplate row

// Final composition
let sampleGrid = [ header
                   itemscontrol sampleTemplate
                   button "submit" ] |> stackpanel [width 250] Vertical
                                     |> border Blue

// Main Window
let mainWindow = window [width 400; height 200] sampleGrid
// Application                                
let sampleApplication = application mainWindow

// Run the app with the given dataContext                                                               
do run sampleApplication dataContext

Functional WPF Part Four

// Functional WPF Part Four              
// Running the WPF Application
#r @"WindowsBase.dll"
#r @"PresentationCore.dll"
#r @"PresentationFramework.dll"

open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Markup

let run app data = app |> parseApplication                    
                       |> XamlReader.Parse
                       |> fun x -> (x :?> System.Windows.Application)
                       |> fun x -> x.MainWindow.DataContext <- data
                       |> ignore

Functional WPF Part Three

// Functional WPF Part Three

// Parsing to Xaml

let parseColor o =
            match o with
            | Red -> "Red"
            | Green -> "Green"
            | Blue -> "Blue"

let parseOrientation o =
            match o with
            | Horizontal -> "Horizontal"
            | Vertical -> "Vertical"

let parseAttribute attr =
            match attr with
            | Width x -> sprintf @"Width = ""%i""" x
            | Height x -> sprintf @"Height = ""%i""" x

let parseAttributes =
            List.fold (fun acc x -> sprintf "%s %s" acc (parseAttribute x)) ""

let rec parseBinding (b:Expr) =
            match b with
            | Lambda (_, e) -> parseBinding e
            | PropertyGet (_, info, _) -> sprintf @"{Binding Path=%s}" (info.Name)

let rec parseDataTemplate (DataTemplate x) =
            sprintf @"<DataTemplate>%s</DataTemplate>" 
                    (parseFrameworkElement x)                               

and parseFrameworkElement x =
            match x with
            | Label (s, attrs) -> sprintf @"<Label Content=""%s"" %s/>" s
                                          (parseAttributes attrs)
            | Button s -> sprintf @"<Button Content=""%s""/>" s
            | TextBox (attrs, b) -> sprintf @"<TextBox %s Text=""%s""/>"
                                            (parseAttributes attrs)
                                            (parseBinding b)
            | StackPanel (xs, attrs, orient) ->
                     let (+) x y = sprintf "%s\n%s" x y
                     sprintf @"<StackPanel Orientation = ""%s"" %s>%s
                             (parseOrientation orient)
                             (parseAttributes attrs)
                             (List.fold (fun acc x -> acc + (parseFrameworkElement x)) "" xs)
            | Border (c, x) -> sprintf @"<Border BorderBrush=""%s""
                                       (parseColor c)
                                       (parseFrameworkElement x)
            | ItemsControl t -> 
                     sprintf @"<ItemsControl ItemsSource=""{Binding .}""> 
                               </ItemsControl>" (parseDataTemplate t)

let parseWindow (Window (c, attrs)) =
            sprintf @"<Window %s>%s</Window>"
                    (parseAttributes attrs)
                    (parseFrameworkElement c)

let parseApplication (Application c) =
        sprintf @"<Application
                (parseWindow c)

Functional WPF Part Two

// Functional WPF Part Two

// Helper functions

let width = Width

let height = Height

let stackpanel attrs orient xs = StackPanel (xs, attrs, orient)

let border c x = Border(c, x)

let label attrs s = Label(s, attrs)

let button = Button

let textbox attrs b = TextBox(attrs, b)

let itemscontrol = ItemsControl

let datatemplate = DataTemplate

let application = Application

let window attrs c = Window (c, attrs)

Functional WPF Part One

// Functional WPF (An Experiment in F# DSL to Xaml)

open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns

// Type Definitions

type Color = Red | Green | Blue

type Orientation = Horizontal | Vertical

type Attribute = Width of int
               | Height of int

type DataTemplate = DataTemplate of FrameworkElement

and FrameworkElement
        = Label of string * Attribute list
        | Button of string
        | TextBox of Attribute list * Expr
        | StackPanel of FrameworkElement list * Attribute list * Orientation
        | Border of Color * FrameworkElement
        | ItemsControl of DataTemplate

type Window = Window of FrameworkElement * Attribute list

type Application = Application of Window