Saturday 13 December 2008

F# Monadic tree labeller

open StateMonad

type 'a tree = | Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a tree * 'a tree

// F# Monadic tree labeller

let rec private mNode x =
match x with
| Leaf(c) -> state { let! x = GetState
do! SetState (x + 1)
return Leaf(c,x) }

| Node(l,r) -> state { let! l = mNode(l)
let! r = mNode(r)
return Node(l,r) }

let mLabel x = Execute(mNode(x))

// F# Non-Monadic manual state passing tree labeller

let Label a s =
let rec Lab' a s =
match a with
|Leaf(c) -> (Leaf(c,s), s + 1)

|Node(l,r) -> let l' = Lab' l s
let r' = Lab' r (snd l')
(Node(fst l', fst r'), (snd r'))
fst (Lab' a s)

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