Tuesday 28 April 2009

Monadic LOGO Large Step Interpreter

open System

//F# State Monad

type State<'state, 'a> = State of ('state ->'a * 'state)

type StateMonad() =
member b.Bind(m, f) = State (fun s -> let r = match m with
| State f -> f s
match r with
| (v,s) -> match f v with
| State f -> f s)
member b.Return(x) = State (fun s -> x, s)

let state = StateMonad()

let GetState = State (fun s -> s, s)
let SetState s = State (fun s' -> (), s)

let Execute m s = match m with
| State f -> let (x,s') = f s

let rec ForEach f xs =
state {
match xs with
| x :: xs' -> do! f x
return! ForEach f xs'
| [] -> return ()

let sin = Math.Sin
let cos = Math.Cos
let atan = Math.Atan

let float_of_int x = (float x)
let int_of_float x = (int x)

type logo = | Home
| Forward of int
| Turn of int
| For of int * logo list

let pi = 4.0 * atan 1.0
let dsin t = sin(pi * (float_of_int t) / 180.0)
and dcos t = cos(pi * (float_of_int t) / 180.0)

let AddToState x = state { let! xs = GetState
do! SetState (x::xs) }

let GoHome = state { do! AddToState (0,0,0) }

let GoForward n = state { let! (x,y,d)::xs = GetState
do! AddToState (x + (int_of_float ((float n) * dsin d)), y + (int_of_float ((float n) * dcos d)), d) }
let GoTurn n = state { let! (x,y,d)::xs = GetState
do! AddToState (x,y,d+n) }

let rec interpret e = state {
do! match e with
| Home -> GoHome
| Forward n -> GoForward n
| Turn(n) -> GoTurn n
| For(i, es) -> if i > 0 then
state {
do! interpret_prog es
do! interpret (For(i - 1, es))
state { return () } }
and interpret_prog xs = ForEach interpret xs

let sample = [Home; For(20, [Turn 18; For(36, [Forward 10; Turn 10])])]

let Run = Execute(interpret_prog sample) [(0,0,0)] |> List.to_array

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