Saturday 8 May 2010

Composing Contracts Part 3: Sample Implementation

module Contracts

open System
open System.Linq
open ContractDataTypes

let date s = Date (DateTime.Parse s)

let one c = One c

let scale k c = Scale(k, c)

let konst x = rx { return x }

let (==*) l r = rx { let! x = l
                     let! y = r
                     return x = y }

let obsTime = rx { let! x = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0))
                   return Date(DateTime.Today.AddSeconds (float x)) }

let at t = obsTime ==* (konst t)

let cWhen t c = When (t, c)

// zero-coupon bond
let zcb t x k = cWhen (at t) (scale (konst x) (one k))

let rec eval c = match c with
                 | When (t, c) -> rx { let! x = t
                                       if x then
                                            return! (eval c)  }
                 | Scale (k, c) -> rx { let! x = k
                                        let! y = eval c
                                        return x * y }
                 | One c -> match c with
                            | GBP -> rx { return Money (1.0, GBP) }
                            | USD -> rx { return Money (0.675310643, GBP) }

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